How to Use quantum theory in a Sentence
quantum theory
In quantum theory, that's enough to put the cup in one place or the other.
—Adrian Cho, Science | AAAS, 12 Sep. 2019
In short, quantum theory suggests that black holes are hairy, but nobody knows what the hair is.
—Frank Wilczek, WSJ, 3 Jan. 2019
But in the 1960s, quantum theory failed physicists once again.
—Quanta Magazine, 23 May 2024
The secret to fixing a fatal flaw at the heart of quantum theory may lie in three obscure textbooks from the 1980s.
—Charlie Wood, Quanta Magazine, 6 Apr. 2023
This work stemmed from the mystery of how quantum theory itself works.
—Andrea Gawrylewski, Scientific American, 29 Aug. 2023
The book covers complex ideas about space, time, black holes and quantum theory.
—Ashlyn Messier, Fox News, 29 Oct. 2023
In the jargon of quantum theory, the friend’s result is a hidden variable.
—George Musser, Science | AAAS, 17 Aug. 2020
Schrödinger proposed the scenario in a 1935 paper as a criticism of quantum theory at the time.
—Stephen C. George, Discover Magazine, 29 Aug. 2022
Thanks to the weirdness of quantum theory, that splitting means that each atom in the BEC literally takes both paths at once.
—Adrian Cho, Science | AAAS, 7 Sep. 2017
Researchers have sought the quantum theory of gravity since the 1930s.
—Quanta Magazine, 15 June 2020
Hawking thought at first that the problem would be solved by changing quantum theory.
—Adrian Cho, Science | AAAS, 20 Mar. 2018
The noose seems to be tightening on this attempt to resolve the biggest mystery of quantum theory.
—Philip Ball, Quanta Magazine, 20 Oct. 2022
Current is the flow of electrons; and, in quantum theory, electrons possess spins.
—Martin Weil,, 12 Apr. 2018
In traditional quantum theory, that path is described by the wave function of the Schrödinger equation.
—Quanta Magazine, 3 July 2019
Over time, physicists began to merge the two fields of quantum theory and computing to create the field of quantum computing.
— - Powering A Personal Wealth Movement, Forbes, 24 Jan. 2023
Einstein, though one of the founders of quantum theory, rejected it, saying famously, God did not play dice with the universe.
—Dennis Overbye, New York Times, 4 Oct. 2022
From quantum theory to atom smashers The brothers were both working as physicists when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in 1941.
—Kc Cole, Smithsonian Magazine, 8 Mar. 2024
Yet quantum theory struggles to explain these curves in its language of particles and fields.
—Quanta Magazine, 20 Apr. 2022
Physicists need a quantum theory of gravity to understand how things that fall in black holes also get out.
—Natalie Wolchover, WIRED, 6 Jan. 2019
The third argument for the multiverse comes from quantum theory.
—Dan Falk /, NBC News, 22 May 2018
But the quantum theories that describe the real particles of our world put variables in the numerator too.
—Charlie Wood, WIRED, 3 Nov. 2024
When discussing quantum theory, the Institute of Physics says that a superposition is the idea that a particle can be in two places at once.
—David Grossman, Popular Mechanics, 7 June 2019
Researchers hope that quantum theory could focus a microscope on that point and track what becomes of the material that falls in.
—George Musser, Scientific American, 8 May 2018
Hawking made the first great stride toward finding this theory by applying the quantum theory to black holes.
—Michio Kaku, Fortune, 19 Mar. 2018
Yeah, so there is some energy intrinsic to the vacuum of a quantum theory.
—Steven Strogatz, Quanta Magazine, 26 July 2023
Turok, too, remains optimistic that a new era of physics may be just around the corner — one that might produce bold new ideas on the scale of quantum theory and relativity.
—Dan Falk /, NBC News, 2 June 2018
But according to quantum theory, each nucleus acts like a wave as well as a particle.
—Dan Falk, National Geographic, 17 Aug. 2020
Researchers initially spotted the pattern in the outputs of naïve models of quantum theory.
—Quanta Magazine, 22 Nov. 2021
The basic idea is that the gravitational field of any object stands outside quantum theory.
—George Musser, Science | AAAS, 7 Sep. 2020
That attempt hasn’t seen a lot of success because nobody has been able to use string theory to develop a quantum theory of gravity—all the math just gets too complex to solve.
—Paul Sutter, Ars Technica, 3 Oct. 2022
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'quantum theory.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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